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Electrical Construction and Maintenance

Raylan is a full-service provider of end to end electrical solutions for any commercial environment.  Experts in layout and design, assembly and installation, connection and testing of electrical fixtures, apparatus, control equipment as well as maintenance and repair.

Renovations and Retrofits

We understand the importance and necessity of cost efficiency and accomplishing this through updating, upgrading, renovating and retrofitting existing spaces.  Our team collaborates with our clients providing customized solutions to effectively make the necessary changes to any existing space.


We have the in-house expertise to provide 2D and 3D drafting and design services for new and updated record drawings and panel directories utilizing advanced AutoCAD technology.

Raylan Electrical Systems Inc.

Phone: 416-598-8892

Fax: 416-977-0185


483 Bay Street, B1 Level South
Toronto, ON
M5G 2C9